Label: "real wage"

young factory worker gyári munkás
July 16, 2024 13:00

Hungary has seen one of the highest real wage increases in the OECD

However, a closer look provides a more nuanced picture

July 08, 2024 10:16

Outlook for the Hungarian economy not bright at all - ING analyst

Recent monthly figures have been disappointing, but a little long-term optimism is still warranted

July 05, 2024 09:30

More disappointing data from Hungarian shops - consumption rebound delayed

Decline in April followed by stagnation in May

ipar termelés worker dolgozó gyártósor bérek keresetek
June 21, 2024 09:00

Cold shower dodged for now, but Hungarian wage growth is slowing down

Gross average monthly wage close to HUF 650,000

June 20, 2024 14:45

Shocking data revealed about Hungarian earnings

Some really had their wage raised by 50%?

kiskereskedelem bolt
May 07, 2024 09:15

March retail sales might show turnaround in Hungary

Shopping gathers pace

gyár termelés worker
April 24, 2024 09:00

Another wage boom in Hungary, with average wage north of HUF 600,000

Here are the latest figures

dolgozó worker gyár gyári munkás ipar
March 28, 2024 09:20

Gross average wage already over HUF 600,000 in Hungary

Wage growth is extremely fast

gyár termelés worker
December 29, 2023 09:06

How much could wages rise in Hungary in 2024?

Portfolio's end-of-year calculations might provide a ballpark answer

December 21, 2023 10:50

Orbán: three-year wage increase programme could start for teachers and kindergarten nurses

The PM held an international press conference

bankjegy forint
December 21, 2023 09:22

Median net income in Hungary stands at HUF 318,000

The rate of wage growth is slightly down, but real wages are already picking up

Cervo Olaszország
December 14, 2023 11:49

Leading EU analysts say the area must pull together if it is not to fall further behind the US

Portfolio asked analysts about the outlook for the continent ahead of today's ECB interest rate decision

December 13, 2023 10:00

Márton Nagy wants to "further activate domestic labour reserves"

A munkaerőtartalék mozgósítása érdekében.

November 27, 2023 10:03

Hungary among EU countries with falling real wages

By EU standards, Hungarian wages have grown fast, but their purchasing power has also fallen fast due to inflation

November 23, 2023 07:00

Five catering units bite the dust every day for six months in Hungary

Those that survived will be picked off by the decline in living standards now

November 09, 2023 15:59

Hungarian minister talks about upcoming excise tax hike

Without saying anything...

dolgozó worker gyár gyári munkás ipar fizetés
November 02, 2023 17:14

Wage increase to be rushed in Hungary

Minimum wage to be raised sooner

October 31, 2023 13:15

Hungarians may not have to wait for wage increase until January

Minimum wage may be raised already in December

young factory worker gyári munkás
October 24, 2023 09:12

A turnaround in wages is near in Hungary - Or is it?

Real wage still down in August

dolgozó worker gyár gyári munkás ipar kereset fizetés
October 20, 2023 15:00

Sad news for Hungarian workers: wage boom is not exactly around the corner

Decelerating inflation does not create land of honey and milk